Blog | HPRG The blog’s on holiday! – Page 7 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

The blog’s on holiday!

The blog’s on holiday – 2/15
14th August 2018

It's the second day of holidays for the blog, and today we're checking out some photos geotagged at the Hotel...

The blog’s on holiday – 1/15
13th August 2018

The blog is taking its annual three-week holiday, leaving you with a photo a day to show you how much...

The blog’s on holiday!
Day 15 / 15
23rd August 2017

So this is the last day of holidays for the blog! We just couldn't resist the photos by Brazilian chef...

The blog’s on holiday!
Day 14 / 15
22nd August 2017

Time for a quick visit of the Hôtel Design Sorbonne! The daring choice of colours seems to be an endless...

The blog’s on holiday!
Day 13 / 15
21st August 2017

Today, we present a few photos showing how much our guests love the greenery at the Hôtel Baume. With your...

The blog’s on holiday!
Day 12 / 15
18th August 2017

Thanks are due to Korin Avraham, who runs the fashion blog Ya Salam. She spent a few days at the...

The blog’s on holiday!
Day 11 / 15
17th August 2017

Today, the stars of the blog are - would you believe it - the stairs at Hôtel and Spa la...

The blog’s on holiday!
Day 10 / 15
16th August 2017

Today we have a photo and a video for you, thanks to Elé who has her own blog called La...

The blog’s on holiday!
Day 9 / 15
15th August 2017

Despite it being the 15th August - probably the quietest of all public holidays in France, the blog has a...

The blog’s on holiday!
Day 8 / 15
14th August 2017

French fashion and beauty blogger Estelle Segura spent a night at the Hôtel Baume and as she puts it, she...