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The blog’s on holiday!

A cocktail with the ambassador, Standard Magazine’s fashion shoot at La Belle Juliette (ze end!)
29th April 2011

Yep, the blog's holidays are over, so here's your last photo from the Standard Magazine shoot at La Belle Juliette....

A cocktail with the ambassador, Standard Magazine’s fashion shoot at La Belle Juliette (7/8)
27th April 2011

Penultimate photo from the Standard Magazine shoot, taken at La Belle Juliette (before the monthly newsletter articles tomorrow). All of...

A cocktail with the ambassador, Standard Magazine’s fashion shoot at La Belle Juliette (6/8)
26th April 2011

6th photo from the Standard Magazine shoot, taken at La Belle Juliette. Let's see who wins this staring contest... (more…)

A cocktail with the ambassador, Standard Magazine’s fashion shoot at La Belle Juliette (5/8)
25th April 2011

5th photo from the Standard Magazine shoot, taken at La Belle Juliette. Bet you can't guess why this model has...

A cocktail with the ambassador, Standard Magazine’s fashion shoot at La Belle Juliette (4/8)
22nd April 2011

4th photo from the Standard Magazine shoot, taken at La Belle Juliette, and it looks like someone's got slightly lost...

A cocktail with the ambassador, Standard Magazine’s fashion shoot at La Belle Juliette (3/8)
21st April 2011

3rd photo from the Standard Magazine shoot, taken at La Belle Juliette, and it looks like the party's starting to...

A cocktail with the ambassador, Standard Magazine’s fashion shoot at La Belle Juliette (2/8)
20th April 2011

2nd photo from the Standard Magazine shoot, taken at La Belle Juliette. What are those models up to today? (more…)

A cocktail with the ambassador, Standard Magazine’s fashion shoot at La Belle Juliette (1/8)
19th April 2011

For a fashion spread in the latest edition of their stylish magazine, the lovely people from Standard came for a...

La Belle Juliette – news from the web (4/4)
18th February 2011

Something a little exotic for our last look at mentions of La Belle Juliette on the web; three articles and...

La Belle Juliette – news from the web (3/4)
17th February 2011

In today's web review, a photographer who can't wait to come and stay, and a 'Bermuda Bride' with a talent...