Blog | HPRG Paris architecture – Page 2 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Paris architecture

Hotels Paris Rive Gauche take pictures of Art Nouveau Building in Paris Part 3
23rd November 2005

In the Mutualité area in the 5th district... (more…)

A unusual and poetic view of Paris
22nd November 2005

Are we in Paris ? (more…)

A Neo Gothic building in the 5th district of Paris (near Pantheon)
25th October 2005

At the beguinning I thought that it was a religious building because.. (more…)

L’exposition Actualités Parisiennes II au Pavillon de l’Arsenal jusqu’au 15 janvier 2006.
21st October 2005

L’exposition Actualités Parisiennes II - 940 hectares en projets présente 37 opérations d’aménagement en cours à Paris*, soit près de...

The Actualités Parisiennes II exhibition – 940 hectares of projects – at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal until January 15th 2006

A new exhibition showing 37 projects currently being planned for Paris, covering 940 hectars (nearly 10% of the city!). (more…)

The Hotels Paris Rive Gauche present some photos of an Art Nouveau Building in Paris – Part 2
11th October 2005

95 rue de Vaugirard Paris 6eme. No reason. Except that we like it. A lot. (more…)

The Hotels Paris Rive Gauche present some photos of an Art Nouveau Building in Paris – Part 1
10th October 2005

Facade of the Fondation Cartier Bresson building (more…)