Blog | HPRG 2010 Paris Motor Show from 2nd – 17th October at the Porte de Versailles – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

2010 Paris Motor Show from 2nd – 17th October at the Porte de Versailles

If you like shiny things with cool curves that go fast, you’re going to be in heaven…

It must be frustrating to look at so many new cars – and prototypes – and not be able to afford them. The Paris Motor show is always like this; part pleasure, part frustration, but that doesn’t stop a huge number of people going. It’s one of the biggest events on the calendar, filling the entire exhibition site (which is huge)!

Photo by StuckInCustoms (Flickr) used under cc licence

This year, new energy sources should be the star of the show, with a number of electric and hybrid cars being presented.

And if you can’t get there in person, you can easily keep up to date with all the news by going to the official Facebook page, checking out the official photos on Flickr, catching up with the Twitter feed, or watching the live webTV:

Photo by pixelpyro (Flickr) used under cc licence

The Paris Motor Show is at the porte de Versailles (here) from 2nd – 17th October 2010.

Open every day from 10am – 8pm. Late night opening until 10pm on 7th and 14th October.

Admission 12€ / 6€

Official site:

Photo by Pgd (Flickr) used under cc licence