Blog | HPRG The 2010 Chocolat Show at the Porte de Versailles from 28th October – 1st November 2010 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

The 2010 Chocolat Show at the Porte de Versailles
from 28th October – 1st November 2010

Chocoholics beware: celebrating its 15th year, this show might make even you feel a little ill!

Photo by scubadive67 (Flickr) used under cc licence

If you have no willpower, our advice is not to go: the Salon du Chocolat may well scupper your dieting plans, with 14,000m² of stalls, demonstrations and the now-famous chocolate fashion show. Yep, ladies dressed only in chocolate (and a token bloke, although he seems to have cheated by wearing a bit of bread too).

Photo by thrig (Flickr) used under cc licence

This year, the theme is opera, symbol of purity in musique and excellence in cake-making: the opéra cake is now a French classic, although it was only created 50 years ago by Gaston Lenôtre. To celebrate 15 years of chocolateness, Dalloyau will be making a giant opéra cake of IMPRESSIVE proportions.

Photo by RIPizzo (Flickr) used under cc licence

ANd as usual there will be workshops for the kids, the “Chocolate Awards” (don’t ask), and a preview of the chocolate museum that should be opening in Paris sometime soon.

The 2010 Salon du Chocolat is at Porte de Versailles (here) from 20th October – 1st November 2010. Open from 10am – 7pm. Admission 12€/6€. Free for… under 3s!

Official site: