Blog | HPRG Thomas Jorion Veduta exhibition at the Galerie Esther Woerdehoff until 16th January 2021 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Thomas Jorion Veduta exhibition at the Galerie Esther Woerdehoff until 16th January 2021

With his talent for finding huge abandoned houses in Italy, Thomas Jorion resturns to the Galerie Esther Woerdehoff – near our hotels – with a new exhibition, the second part of his series Veduta, which has taken over a decade to come to fruition…

© Thomas Jorion, courtesy Galerie Esther Woerdehoff

We will probably never know why Italy has so many abandoned mansions, or indeed how Thomas Jorion has managed to find them. Some are well-preserved, others in a state of near ruin and filled with plants that are slowly taking over.

These luxurious homes from the 18th and 19th centuries all have a strange atmosphere to them, posing questions about what happened, and why someone would go to such lengths to build something so big before leaving it to disintegrate.

Exposition Thomas Jorion Veduta à la Galerie Esther Woerdehoff jusqu'au 16 janvier 2021
© Thomas Jorion, courtesy Galerie Esther Woerdehoff

Jorion already showed part of this series at the Galerie Esther Woerdehoff in 2019, and this second exhibition on the subject is now accompanied by a book that has just been published by La Martinière (228 pages, 49€ here at

If you’d like a signed copy, you’re in luck – the artist will be present at the opening party at the gallery on Saturday 5th December, from 2-7pm. Please do go down – it’s free!

Exposition Thomas Jorion Veduta à la Galerie Esther Woerdehoff jusqu'au 16 janvier 2021
© Thomas Jorion, courtesy Galerie Esther Woerdehoff

The Thomas Jorion Veduta exhibition is at the Galerie Esther Woerdehoff (here) until 16th January 2021

Open Wednesday-Saturday, midday-7pm


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