Blog | HPRG Why we won’t be going to the 2009 Chocolat Show in Paris from 14th – 18th October – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Why we won’t be going to the 2009 Chocolat Show in Paris from 14th – 18th October

We love chocolate. Love it. However this chocolate show we can do without. Each year it’s the same old same old, with hundreds of thousands of visitors queuing up to… eat, eat, eat. But there’s more to our boycott than that; read on to know why we won’t be at the Salon du Chocolat 2009!
Perhaps we’re naïve about the nature of shows, but few of them have such a bankrupt principle and thin attraction value as this one; basically, an increasingly obese population goes to stuff themselves silly and watch ‘fashion shows’ of laides scantily dressed in chocolate. There’s something frankly Neanderthal about it, and the formula is such a successful one that not only does it not change year to year, but the concept has been exported to New York, Shanghai, Moscow, Japan Cairo…

As for the show itself, the only thing you have to look forward to is the prospect of queuing up with 350,000 other people so you can eat some chocolate, look at some chocolate and eat some more chocolate (until you feel ill).

Admission for a family of two adults and two children will set you back 36 euros! That sounds expensive for free chocolate…

And now, if you don’t mind, I’m off to eat some sugar-free organic muesli. 😉

The Salon du Chocolat is at Paris expo, Porte de Versailles (here) from 14th – 18th October 2009. Open every day from 10am – 7pm (9pm Friday).

Official site: