Blog | HPRG The Salon de la photo at Porte de Versailles from 13th – 17th November 2014 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

The Salon de la photo at Porte de Versailles
from 13th – 17th November 2014

Half trade fair, half show, this is the place for anyone who loves photography and/or loves taking photos – the Salon de la Photo is back, and our pal Elene Usdin has been asked to expose her recent work and create this year’s poster!

Here’s all the info.

Le Salon de la photo à la Porte de Versailles du 13 au 17 novembre 2014
photo © Manolo Mylonas

As part of November’s photo month, the Salon de la photo includes a large Sabine Weiss exhibition, the Elene Usdin works we mentioned, photos from Rodolphe Sebbah, the “Every day is like Sunday” series by Manolo Mylonas
Le Salon de la photo à la Porte de Versailles du 13 au 17 novembre 2014But this is also the moment to investigate the more technical side of things, with photographic material on sale for newbies and professionals, meet ‘n’ greets with well-known photographers (Yann Arthus-BertrandStéphane Couturier and more), conferences about legal aspects of photography… useful stuff for all photo addicts.

The Salon de la photo is at Porte de Versailles (here) from 13th – 17th November 2014

Open Thursday, Friday and Sunday from 10am – 7pm, Saturday from 9am – 7pm and Monday from 10am – 6pm

Admission: 11€ / 6€

Official site:

