Blog | HPRG Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche announces the participants for PHPA 2014 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche announces the participants
for PHPA 2014

Our call for submissions for the 2014 edition of A Hotel Photo, an Artist’s View (Photo d’hôtel, photo d’auteur) received an overwhelming response – 200 candidates! It wasn’t easy for our jury to whittle them down to twelve photographers, but after meeting up yesterday the choice has now been made.

Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche announces the participants for PHPA 2014
photo: BartOmeo

The members of the jury were:

Esther Woerdehoff, Galerie EW
Florence Moll, Florence Moll & associés
Corinne et Pascal Moncelli, HPRG
Molly Benn, Our age is thirteen
Audrey Turpin, Fetart
Caroline Stein, Central DUPON Images
Florence Drouhet, Festival photo la Gacilly
Ricardo Moreno, Gobelins – l’école de l’image
Patrick Tourneboeuf, photographer
Alain Bisotti, PHPA

As you know, the twelve photographers are chosen by the jury, after which they are randomly assigned a month to take their photo and the hotel in which they will spend a night in order to take it.

So here are the twelve photographers whose photos will be shown on the PHPA site every month during 2014 and are eligible to win the PHPA prize in 2015!

Click on any photographer’s name or photo to be taken to their site. And don’t forget to check out to see all the photos taken for the project up until now!

Alex Morvan at the Hôtel Jardin de l’Odéon
Alex Morvan

Aurore Dalmas at the Hôtel du Panthéon
Aurore Dalmas

Jean Noviel at the Hôtel Design Sorbonne
Jean Noviel

Laura Stevens at the Hôtel la Belle Juliette
Laura Stevens

Gaby Benicio at the Hôtel des Grands Hommes

Adeline Spengler at the Hôtel Jardin de l’Odéon
Adeline Spengler

Jean-Baptiste Senegas at the Hôtel du Panthéon
Jean-Baptiste Senegas

Kamille Lévêque Jégo at the Hôtel Design Sorbonne
Kamille Lévêque Jégo

Nolwenn Brod at the Hôtel la Belle Juliette

Guillaume Martial at the Hôtel des Grands Hommes
Guillaume Martial

Pierre Bayle at the Hôtel Jardin de l’Odéon
Pierre Bayle

Valérie Gondran at the Hôtel du Panthéon
Valérie Gondran

Official PHPA site:

BONUS! The members of the selection jury getting their strength back after hours of analysing photos…

Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche announces the participants for PHPA 2014
photo: BartOmeo