Blog | HPRG The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris

So the summer holidays are over, everyone’s talking about pumpkin spice and there are roughly 100 days before Christmas. Time to console oneself with some culture, and Paris has got your back!

Our beautiful city is lucky enough to have probably the best selection of amazing museums anywhere in the world. Let’s take a look at what they have in store to entertain and elevate us for the end of 2024!

The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris

Without wanting to boast, near our hotels we have the Musée d’Orsay, Qui Branly Museum, Rodin Museum, Luxembourg Museum, Cluny Museum and even the Louvre (just a quick hop over the Seine).

To wind up 2024 in style after the wonderful experience that was the Olympic Games, a lot of these cultural venues are now launching their new exhibitions, and it’s going to be difficult to chose where to go because there’s a lot on, and much of it looks essential.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store culturally near our hotels un peu les propositions près de nos hôtels, et de l’autre côté de la Seine…

… starting with the Quai Branly Museum which has new temporary exhibitions opening in September, October and November! Get ready for a new soundscape path to follow, art from Haiti, and a spotlight on ancient theatrical traditions of Indonesia.

The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris

At the Musée d’Orsay there are new exhibitions of paintings, photography and even some contemporary art – Harriet Backer, Caillebotte, Céline Laguarde and Barbara Chase-Riboud (the latter of whom will soon be the subject of eight Parisian exhibitions at the same time).

The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris
images: National Museum / Børre Høstland – Musée d’Orsay, dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Sophie Crépy – Allison Bellido – Pulitzer Arts Foundation / Virginia Harold

At the Luxembourg Museum starting 9th October you’ll be able to discover paintings by a major figure in Brazilian modernism (strangely not well known in Europe), Tarsila do Amaral, very colourful works that are sometimes reminiscent of the Douanier Rousseau. The perfect stuff to brighten up a grey autumn / winter day!

The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris

At the Cartier Foundation, not far from our hotels, October will see the first European retrospective of the Colombian artist Olga de Amaral, with almost 90 of her works – paintings, sculptures, installations…

The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris
photo: Diego Amara

At the Cluny Museum starting 19th November you’ll be able to discover the medieval sculptures of Notre-Dame (which reopens in December – don’t forget to book your room!)

The museum already has a dedicated room for their collection of sculptures, but for the exhibition they will be adding pieces that have never been on show before, some of which were only discovered recently during digs undertaken as part of the cathedral’s restoration. In all, close to 120 items will be presented.

On the same date, the museum also opens a second temporary exhibition called Feuilleter Notre-Dame, with around thirty medieval manuscripts related to the cathedral, and ten other articles showing the intense intellectual and artistic fervour inspired by the building.

The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris

And that’s just a quick overview! Other exhibitions on offer before the end of the year near to our hotels include:

Rodin / Bourdelle – corps à corps at the Bourdelle Museum starting 2nd October,

Nadia Léger. A woman of the avant-garde at the Maillol Museum starting 8th November,

Modigliani / Zadkine, an Uninterrupted friendship at the Zadkine Museum starting 14th November

Botanical Drawing in the hothouses of the Jardin des Plantes starting 17th October,

Révélation! Modern Art in the the Republic of Benin at the Conciergerie starting 4th October,

Byblos, Eternal City at the Arab World Institute starting 26th November

— the Photo Saint-Germain festival starting 30th October,

and on the other side of the Seine…

The Flowers of Yves Saint Laurent at the Yves Saint Laurent Museum starting 20th September,

Jackson Pollock, the Early Years at the Picasso Museum starting 15th October,

Trompe-l’œil at the Marmottan Museum starting 17th October…

The biggest upcoming exhibitions in Paris

Keep reading the blog and we’ll tell you more about all these exhibitions very soon!

Hope you enjoy all this culture until the end of the year!

To read all about the exhibitions on offer in Paris, click here! 🙂