Blog | HPRG The blog’s on holiday – final week, penultimate day – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

The blog’s on holiday – final week, penultimate day

We’re almost at the end of the blog’s holidays – almost, but not quite! There are still a couple of days for us to show you some photos taken at the hotels in our collection!

Today we’d like you to meet Taisia who travels endlessly around the world every time her schedule allows (which as a criminal lawyer mustn’t be easy).

Taisia was in Paris in July, at the Hotel les Dames du Pantheon to be precise, where she was impressed by the view (and rightly so)…

Taisia’s voyage was actually to surprise her grandmother on her birthday, and the two ladies went all over town, seeing the Eiffel Tower, visiting the Louvre, eating at the Train Bleu, exploring Montmartre, having lunch at the Café de Flore

Yep – having a room at the Hotel les Dames du Pantheon makes visiting Paris super simple!

To book your room at the Hotel les Dames du Pantheon, click here!

And the hotel’s special offers can be found here!

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