Blog | HPRG Open House weekend, 16th & 17th September 2023 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Open House weekend, 16th & 17th September 2023

It’s time for one the best events of the year in Paris if you like discovering unusual places usually closed to the public – les Journées du Patrimoine.

For just two days (or even one, depending on the venue) there are some incredible buildings and gardens to visit for free, often with special events planned. Let’s take a look at what’s happening close to our hotels!

Les Journées du Patrimoine 2023, le 16 & 17 septembre

With over 500 things to see in Paris 😳, and only a weekend to see them all, some difficult choices will have to be made.

For example, if you’ve never visited them, close to our hotels we would suggest seeing the Senate, Assemblée Nationale, the Sorbonne, the Hôtel de Matignon (where the Prime Minister lives), the machine room of the historic lift of the Eiffel Tower, the UNESCO building and École Militaire.

Plus, there are numerous sumptuous embassies, surprising churches and fascinating museums…

To reduce the options, we can look at the venues participating for the first time, like the Institut des civilisations du Collège de France, the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie, the Ministry of Sports, the Catacombs, the control centre of Montparnasse railway station, the École nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Malaquais and its garden, and there’s even a parade of vintage Vespas on Saturday at 10am!

Les Journées du Patrimoine 2023, le 16 & 17 septembre

You also might like to discover the Ministry of Ecology, the Charléty sports stadium, the Beaux-Arts art school, the Odeon Theatre, the Finnish Embassy, the Museum of the History of Medicine, the Hôtel de Monaco (where the Polish ambassador lives), and why not the Sewers Museum or the Humans Rights Freemason Temple?

As you can see, there are a lot of interesting things on offer. To check out the full Open House programme for Paris (because there’s a lot happening on the Right Bank too of course!) just click here.

Les Journées du Patrimoine 2023, le 16 & 17 septembre

The Journées du Patrimoine are happening in Paris (and around Europe) on the 16th & 17th September 2023

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