Blog | HPRG The blog’s last week of holidays and the Hotel les Dames du Panthéon – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

The blog’s last week of holidays and the Hotel les Dames du Panthéon

Just a few more days of holiday before we’re back to the grindstone! Until then, we’re very happy to share with you an Instagram photo taken at the Hotel les Dames du Panthéon (feel free to add #hotellesdamesdupantheon to any photos you take during your stay there!)

Today, out star photographer is Alicia Ernekian who says she has “a passion for fashion, lifestyle, iced coffee, cute dogs and silliness”. She also happens to have 30,000 followers, which is not bad at all, and her own YouTube channel where she talks about fashion, shopping, her holidays…

This photo, with Alicia enjoying a quiet moment in her room, has nearly 1,300 likes! If you’d like to get to know her a little more, head over to her YouTube channel!

And to try out one of the gorgeous rooms at the Hotel les Dames du Panthéon for yourself, you’ll find some very interesting special offers on the hotel’s website, which has the lowest prices you’ll find online (guaranteed) 🙂

Hotel les Dames du Panthéon

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