Blog | HPRG Charléty sur Neige – free snowsports for kids 17th-29th December 2016 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Charléty sur Neige – free snowsports for kids
17th-29th December 2016

Winter sports for the young ‘uns, without even leaving Paris – it’s Charléty sur Neige and it’s free!

Here’s all the info.

We don’t know who had the slightly crackpot idea of turning one of Paris’ sports stadiums into a winter wonderland, but hats off to them.

Charléty sur Neige is open every day for nearly two weeks from 11am-6pm, and for zéro euros your kids can climb, go sledging, ride a zipline, jump on trampolines (or a giant airbag!), ride the roundabout, walk through the ‘Snow Garden’ (not quite sure what that is), ice skate and even play video games!

Charléty sur Neige du 17 au 29 décembre 2016

The activities are open to children aged 3-16, and this year the event is on for longer than usual, so cthe crowds should be a little less daunting. With a bit of luck, your kids will be able to do every activity at least once!

Charléty sur Neige runs from 17th-29th December 2016

Open every day from 11am-6pm
