Blog | HPRG Wildly successful launch of our installation at Art Paris 2012 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Wildly successful launch of our installation
at Art Paris 2012

The press launch was yesterday, and – without wanting to blow our own trumpet – our stall had the most visitors of the entire place!photos: JasonWphotos: JasonW

Things started pretty early, around 2pm, and by 6pm there was already quite a crowd at our place to see the installation by Elene Usdin (and the photos by Michael Schnabel and Ursula Kraft presented by the Galerie Esther Woerdehoff).photos: JasonWphotos: JasonWLuckily, we were about to take a few photos of the installation, completed after four days of intense work, before the crowd filled in every space available!photos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWphotos: JasonWThere are still some surprises awaiting you on the stall, including two formerly unseen photos by Elene Usdin, and her films to watch through the holes bored through the door of ‘room 18’!

You can read all about our presence at Art PAris 2012 here.

To see all our photos of the official launch night, click the play button below, then click the four little arrows bottom right to go into fullscreen mode.