Blog | HPRG Presenting our new hotel: La Belle Juliette! – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Presenting our new hotel: La Belle Juliette!

At last, you know the name! Now discover the inspiration…“Kings and princes were seen at her salons, unabashed to mix with men and women of every trade and opinion” – Edouard Herriot

When Corinne Moncelli started to think about the identity that she wanted to give to the establishment that would replace the Hôtel Ferrandi, she fixed the following points as the foundations for the project:

– the hotel would be a luxury four-star (equivalent to a five star hotel), with a prestigious organic spa, a bar and salons that should be at the forefront of cultural events and exchange.
– the interior decoration would be designed by someone with no links to the world of hotels, in order to have a fresh approach.
– the new hotel would be the occasion to tell a variety of stories.
– a heroine from the 19th century would inspire the main theme of the hotel.

After these decisions, the choice for our historic personality was simple…
A 19th century heroine who frequented all the intellectuals and politicians of her time, someone endowed with exceptional beauty (she was often called “the beauty of beauties”) whose love life was extraordinary, and who was gifted in the art of receiving visitors, holding a successful salon from the age of 15 until her death at 72.

And so it is Juliette Récamier, known to all as “la belle Juliette” who has given her name to our new hotel which will be opening in October 2010.

The Hôtel Ferrandi is dead, long live La Belle Juliette****!

There’s lots of info about the hotel on the new website:

You’ll be able to check out the sketches by Anne Gelbard, in charge of the interior design, whose inspiration has been the world and times of Juliette. More pages are under construction and will be revealed as work on the hotel advances.

You can read details about our prestigious organic spa, with treatments based on the seasons and traditional Chinese medicine.

There’s also the hotel’s salons, the Talma bar (Talma was the star actor of the time and a regular visitor to Juliette’s salon) and our special offers. Also, a whole page is dedicated to Juliette Récamier, allowing you to scroll sideways and click on various images to learn more about the destiny of this exceptional woman.

Have a good look round the site to find out all the fascinating details: !

We hope that you enjoy going through as much as we enjoyed creating it. We’ve done a lot of research in order to tell you the story behind la Belle Juliette, and it’s allowed us to discover a deeply likeable person, full of generosity and concern for everyone with whom she came into contact. We hope the hotel will be much like her.

Over the coming months we will be keeping you updated with how the building work is going (much is left to be done), as well as photos in April of the first rooms. There still many stories to be told…