Blog | HPRG Cuisinez ! A cooking show at the Carrousel du Louvre – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Cuisinez ! A cooking show at the Carrousel du Louvre

Get ready to lick your fingers, your lips, your sleeve (?) as cooking courses aplenty await you…

photo de docman used under cc licence

I am rubbish at cooking. Everything’s a fuss. I can’t do the slightest thing without a recipe, and even with it in front of me I lose my place, I’m slow, I have to read everything five times… Really, I’m not great at cooking. I think the Cuisinez! cooking fair would do me a lot of good!

In fact, it looks like most people could get something out of it. Check this out:

Cooking courses where you will learn to cook around a specific theme (places are limited)
Cooking Attitude with ten permanent workshops at the Chef’s Workshop with, er, chefs
Chef on deck! Watch live demonstrations from some of the most famous chefs in the Cuisinez amphitheatre!
Glam’cook All the secrets of sexy cooking (what?) and ‘speed cooking’ for singles (good grief)
Kids in the Kitchen where children from 6 – 10 years old can, er… well we don’t really know what they’ll be doing, but as long as they’re busy and being taken care of for half an hour perhaps we don’t need to know?
Wine’Attitude where you can discover and learn to appreciate wine
– and The Market where you can buy loads of stuff! You didn’t think they’d let you go without a fight did you?

All the big bran names in cooking and food will be there, and looking at the number of sponsors you might have to be careful you don’t empty your wallet…

To have a look at the full programme (in French) click here.

Her’s all the essential information for the Cuisinez ! cooking fair at the Carrousel du Louvre
When: 24th – 26 October 2008
Where: Carrousel du Louvre
Opening hours: 24th from 2pm – 6pm, the 25th & 26th from 10am – 7pm
Admission: Adults 10€, concessions 7€, free for children under 6 years old
Official site :

Bigger map here