Blog | HPRG The Salon de l’Agriculture 2008 in Paris – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

The Salon de l’Agriculture 2008 in Paris

For our article about the 2009 Salon de l’Agriculture, click here

From 23rd February to 2nd March 2008, one of the biggest shows of the year, and your chance to meet COWS!

sweet cow photo (c) Skinnyde

Yep, it’s not every day you get the chance to see 4,000 animals (including 600 cows). The Salon International de l’Agriculture is probably the most popular show of the year in Paris, with nearly 600,000 visitors!

Of course people don’t just come to pet the animals, see the latest ecological advances and learn about life in the countryside. They also come… with huge bags and trolleys so they can fill up with free food and wine! That‘s why the Salon is so popular! If you want to sample the best food that France can offer – for free! – then this is your chance. Be prepared to fight for it though. Even with 500 different stands, things can get rough in there… 😉

lovely cow cupcakes photo (c) Kylie Lambert

And this year there is also late night opening on Friday 29th February for the Nuit de l’Agriculture, with special festivities based around… potatoes! Yes, potatoes! And if your first name is also the name of a potato, you get in free!!! I couldn’t make this up…

A potato gets ready for the party. Photo (c) pombinha

Here’s all the essential information for the Salon International de l’Agriculture 2008 in Paris

When: 23 February – 2nd March 2008
Where: Paris expo, Porte de Versailles. Metro Porte de Versailles (line 12) or Balard (line 8). Buses 80 and 39. Tramway T3
Opening hours: 9am – 7pm, late night opening on Friday 29th February until 11pm
Entrance fee: Adults 12 euros, children 6-12 yrs 6 euros, children under 6, students go free.
Official site: here

Bigger map here