Blog | HPRG The Rugby World Cup 2007 in Paris – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

The Rugby World Cup 2007 in Paris

OK, we’re a bit late on this one, but if you’re coming to Paris you can’t miss it. The city’s gone rugby mad!

It starts in a couple of days (7th September) and lasts almost all month. Paris is positively buzzing: rugby this, rugby that. There’s no escaping the Rugby World Cup.

Above all, it seems to be a great marketing opportunity; there are flags and ads everywhere, bars are showing the matches on big screens, and yesterday I saw a double decker Puma bus going round the city playing loud techno, a crowd of mad youngsters on the top deck blowing whistles!

If you want to buy tickets for matches, check out the official Rugby World Cup site here. There’s a ton of information on there…

Personally I’m not a big rugby fan, so it’s going to be pretty hellish until the end of the month. For rugby fans though, Paris is definitely the place to be…

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