Blog | HPRG Hotels Paris Rive Gauche on Coronation Street filming at the Hotel du Pantheon. – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Hotels Paris Rive Gauche on Coronation Street filming at the Hotel du Pantheon.

We let you discover the other side of the picture of this soaps…

Hotel du Pantheon entrance

Hotel du Pantheon living room

Our actress from Hotel du Pantheon team, receptionist appearing and receptionnist in her active life!

Hotel du Pantheon has been chosen for the filming of the soaps Coronation Street.
Around ten actors and a technical team of twenty people live in the hotel during a while. Hotel du Pantheon living room and rooms are used as a frame for some scenes.
The Pantheon seems to be a perfect background to stand for the beauty of Paris.

For further information about this soap, you can visit the following website: