Blog | HPRG Virtual tour of the Paris Hôtel de Ville (City Hall) – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Virtual tour of the Paris Hôtel de Ville (City Hall)

The “Hôtel de Ville” (City Hall) is more than an administrative building or a subway station name…

Discover here the heritage and the history Parisians are proud of!

From your place, follow our guide and discover step by step the secrets of the All Parisians’ House. Walk in the steps of the artists and characters who were part of the history of Paris and its City Hall.

Virtual tour of the Paris Hôtel de Ville (City Hall)

We hope that you will visit the City Hall for real…

Open: Individual visitors: Monday: 10.30 a.m. (call to confirm on the previous Friday Tel.: 42 76 50 49); Monday to Friday by appointment
Prices: Free – Group: Res. 6 weeks – Guided Tours, Conferences: Res. 6 weeks. Groups only
Closed: Saturday, Sunday, bank holidays