Blog | HPRG A sunday at the MAC/VAL and a lunch at Transversal restaurant – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

A sunday at the MAC/VAL and a lunch at Transversal restaurant

The Macval in Virty-sur-Seine is the newest modern art museum in the Paris area.

A short metro and bus ride from the city (or metro and 15-minute walk), The MAC/VAL was opened in November 2005, and comprises a permanent collection, a space for changing exhibitions, a restaurant, bookshop and cinema.

Although it’s brave to be trying this sort of thing outside a city that already has several large modern art collections, the main problem I have with the museum is the quality of the collection. Modern art is a very subjective experience, but I didn’t really enjoy the various artworks at all. Take, for example, the pile of breezeblocks with a television in it playing static; it’s practically my definition of ridiculously stupid modern art. Perhaps with an explanation I would have found it a profound critique of destruction/construction in the 21st Century (or something like that), but I found it a waste of time.

As for the restaurant, their high-concept menu of tiny tiny dishes inspired by certain parts of the exhibition (“mono rabbit” anyone?) was pricey, and the service a catastrophe.

Jason Whittaker

The Photos of our visit :