Blog | HPRG Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche announce the photographers for their 2011 photo project, PHPA – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche announce the photographers for their 2011 photo project, PHPA

Our exhibition of 2009’s photos was just a month ago, the photos for 2010 are ongoing, and today we’re announcing the names of the photographers selected for our 2011 photo project, A Hotel Photo, An Artist’s View (known as Photo d’Hôtel, Photo d’Auteur or PHPA in French), and it looks like it’s going to be GREAT!

photo: Julien Taylor

Following our request for candidates, we received over 200 applications which had to be reduced to just 12. Alain Bisotti of HPRG made a pre-selection, then a committee met, made up of Esther Woerdehoff (whose gallery will soon be showing an exhibition by Guillaume Amat, the winner of the 2010 PHPA prize), Maureen Auriol – French agent for William Klein and photo editor for Afrique Magazine, Patrick Codomier of the Vu photo agency, Marc Pussemier of Paris’ photo bookshop, La Librairie Photographique, Delphine Piovant-Lapierre from Label Image who print the final photos , Marion Hislen of the FetArt association that helps organise the annual exhibition, and Alain Bisotti.

Choosing was tough, but here’s what it came down to. Each photographer is assigned a month and a hotel in order to define the order and where each photographer will spend a night before submitting one photo and one piece of text.

Click on any photo to go the site of the photographer in question.

In Jnauary, Fabian Unternährer will be staying at the Hôtel Design Sorbonne.

photo: Fabian Unternährer

En February, Alain Cornu will sleep peacefully at the Hôtel du Panthéon.

photo: Alain Cornu

In March, Candice Millon will be the other belle of La Belle Juliette.

photo : Candice Millon

In April, Charlotte Tanguy will be the great woman of the Hôtel des Grands Hommes.

photo: Charlotte Tanguy

In May, Alan Aubry will stay at the Hôtel Jardin de l’Odéon.

photo: Alan Aubry

In June, Thomas Jorion will be inspired by the beauty of La Belle Juliette.

photo: Thomas Jorion

In July, Jeoffrey Pleignet will find out if he is one of the Grands Hommes.

photo: Jeoffroy Pleignet

In August, Vincent Goutal and Olivia Leriche will be chilling out in the leafy green setting of the Hôtel Jardin de l’Odéon.

photo: Vincent Goutal et Olivia Leriche

In September, it’s back to school for Chiara Dazi at the Hôtel Design Sorbonne.

photo: Chiara Dazi

In October, Ronan Guillou will be haunting the corridors of the Hôtel du Panthéon.

photo: Ronan Guillou

In November, Thibault Puyfontaine will be reclining at La Belle Juliette.

photo: Thibault Puyfontaine

And in December, the Hôtel Jardin de l’Odéon will be Julien Taylor’s Xmas gift (see top photo).

For more information about PHPA, please join the Facebook group.

To see the 2010 PHPA gallery, click here.