Blog | HPRG Guillaume Amat wins the 2010 PHPA prize – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Guillaume Amat wins the 2010 PHPA prize

At the opening gala for our photo exhibition last nigh, the jury designated Guillaume Amat the winner of the 2010 PHPA Prize…
Guillaume seemed really pleased to have won the prize, which comes with a cheque for 3,000 euros. Even better than that: this year we have a new partnership with the prestigious Esther Woerdehoff Gallery which means that Guillaume will have his own exhibition there next year. Well done!

Esther Woerdehoff Gallery site :

Guillaume Amat’s site (with many more great photos) :

Our PHPA page for Guillaume : here

And a second prize was also awarded last night, with the winner chosen by the staff of the Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche. Ambroise Tezenas’ lovely photo below came out tops.
Ambroise won a giant bottle of Pannier champagne almost as tall as he is! 😉

Ambroise Tezenas’ site:

Our PHPA page for Ambroise: here

We’d like to thanks all the partners of the exhibition (which is free to visit until 19th September 2010). Everyone at the Théâtre de l’Odéon for letting us use their space, the Fetart association for the organisation, photo lab Label Image for the prints, the Esther Woerdehoff GalleryPannier champagne, Images magazine, graphic design agency Neutre for the very smart catalogue, Digigraphie by Epson, Patrick Tournebœuf and everyone at the Librairie de la Galerie, all the photographers (obviously)… and sorry if we’ve forgotten anyone.

If you want to have a peek at how things went last night for the opening ceremony, gala, drinks bash, etc. click play on the slideshow below, then click the four little arrows bottom right to see everything fullscreen (photos: JasonW). More photos by Julien Taylor coming soon!