Blog | HPRG Michael von Graffenried photo exhibition at the Esther Woerdehoff gallery from 5th May – 3rd July 2010 – Hotels Paris Rive Gauche Blog

Michael von Graffenried photo exhibition at the Esther Woerdehoff gallery from 5th May – 3rd July 2010

In parallel with the “Outing – Michael von Graffenried” exhibition at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, the Esther Woerdehoff gallery presents the photographer’s latest project, “Eye on Africa”.

The dancers get ready, Douala. Courtesy Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris

Born in 1957 in Bern, photographer Michael von Graffenried lives and works in Paris. From a photojournalism background, he now devotes his time to long-term projects using various media.

The 32 panoramic photos that make up “Eye on Africa”, taken over the course of two month-long trip to Cmeroon in 2008, were first displayed in March 2009 on billboards in five Swiss villages.

When explaining his work, Michael von Graffenries often talks of meeting people. He want to make people meet who woudl not normally come across each other. To instigate these meetings, he tries to photograph the people in real situations. Next, he brings these images into the realm of the onlooker, particularly through the use of a wide angle format, plunging the spectator into the heart of the event.

Garçon Baka in the Equatorial forest. Courtesy Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris

The artist’s intention is to slip the onlooker into the panoramic image and – perhaps – reduce the fear and distance bewteen the African and him/herself. Eye on Africa tries to show the diversity and beauty of an African country, far from the clichés of poverty and violence that we associate with this part of the world.

The Michael von Graffenried exhibition is at the Esther Woerdehoff Gallery (here) from 5th May – 3rd July 2010. Open from Tuesday – Saturday from 2p – 6pm.

Gallery website:

Michael von Graffenried’s website: